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 Difficulty Overhaul 
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Post Difficulty Overhaul
Hi guys, i have been playing BMW on and off for a while and i want to try my hand at making a mod for it
This post basically summarize my finding about the game and the changes i made to it

Hit Rate/Evasion is calculated using this formula:
150 - (Defender Speed/Quick) + ((Attacker Hit - Defender Evd)/2)! + Weapon Hit Modifier - Distance
Distance is: 4 if they are right next to each other
4 + (3 * # of square between them) otherwise

!In the case which Defender Evd > Attacker Hit, you get a penalty to hit

Damage Formula is calculated using this formula:
((50 + ((Attacker Will - 100)/2)?? + ((Pow or Mag)/2)!!/100) * Weapon Damage) -
((50 + ((Defender Will - 100)/2)?? + ((Defender Def/2)!!/100) * Defender Armor/Tough)

!! Value with this next to them indicate it cannot be negative, only 0
?? Not sure if will can be negative

According to the formula above,
with 100 Pow or Mag you will do 100% of weapon damage
with 100 Def, 100% of your tough will be used to block damage
with 100 will, your tough and weapon damage will be at 100%
Every 2 points of Pow or Mag below 100 decrease your weapon damage by 1%
Every 2 points of Pow or Mag above 100 increase your weapon damage by 1%
Every 2 points on Def below 100 decrease your tough by 1%
Every 2 points on Def above 100 increase your tough by 1%
The minimum value for either is 50% at 0
The maximum value for either is 250% at 400
Every 2 points of will above or below 100 will increase or decrease your
weapon damage and tough by 1%
The minimum for will is 0? So the penalty is 50%??
The maximum for will is 150, so highest bonus for both is 25%
The bonus/penalty from will is added onto bonus/penalty from stats

Critical rate formula is unknown
Critical increase damage by 25%
This above bonus is calculated after tough

The following changes are only applied to act 1-3 for now...
I will spread it to act 4 and 5 as i get less lazy...
Bugfix and balancing are also needed...

Enemy Skills
Many skill like attack support and defence support is distributes
Many Enemy now have youkai, vampire, mage, prevail, counter
These skills will increase in level as enemy increase in level
Those with attack support will get combo attack at higher level
Other will based skills are also distributed
Those with will based skill gets "will boost" at higher level
The following special talent have been distributed:
Projectile Guard
Magic Damper
Magic Damper 2
Magic Damper 3

Status Inducting Ability
Bonus from all stats increase is now 50 points(25%)
Characters that have these only have 4 ammo by default
Penalty to stats from attack is now at 25 points(12.5%)
Movement reduction is 2 instead of 1
Energy reduction is 10-20
Action reduction is 1

Energy System Overhaul
>First character's attack is 5 EN per use
->If the attack is below 3000, it uses 1 less
->If the attack inflict status, it uses 1 more
->If the attack is above 3000, it uses 1 more
->If the attack uses ammo, it uses 1 or 2 less(depends on the count)

>Subsequent attack cost are based on damage relative to first attack
->If the attack is between 0-400 more, it cost 1 more
->If the attack is between 400-800 more, it cost 2 more
->If the attack is between 800-1200 more, it cost 3 more
->If the attack is between 1200-1500 more, it cost 4 more
->If the attack is 1500 or more it cost 5 more(scale in increment of 400)
->If the attack inflict status, it uses 1 more
->If the attack uses ammo, it uses 1 to 5 less(depends on the count)

>Status Buff, Refill cost 10 EN
>Healing cost 5 EN

>Character's total energy is changed
->If the character is long range(6+), it have base of 35 EN
->If the character is mid range(3-6), it have base of 45 EN
->If the character is close range(<3), it have a base of 55 EN
->Player characters have 20 more EN
->Player "Servants(From Fate series)" have 10 more EN
->Enemy mid bosses have 40 more
->Enemy bosses have 60 more(More may be added onto this as story progress)

All player mages should have Magic Damper or higher
--Made Arcuied and all her form imba!
--Made Ryougi imba :D

To install, extract and copy the folder into your install directory

Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:42 pm
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