Plot questions (spoilers)
Okay so as i understand it...
Gou is acutally Gouka, the first SU president (revealed in Senna's route after you take over the NPI). But i thought it was implied that Kamui killed him? And how come nobody recognises him as Gouka? And if Gou is Gouka, that means that Kaen is actually of Zanma blood, and Rouga's sister?
Also what was the deal with Kamui? In Kunagi's route, there are two Kamuis. Was one of them the ghost of Kamui, and the other the corpse possessed by the wicked chaos? After taking over the nightmare eyes, Kunagi "defeats" Kamui, but he appears again. I don't understand this part.
Who was Rouga's first love anyway? He mentioned it was someone with long black hair when talking to Sanae.